Happy New year my loves!! As we enter into a new year and a new
decade, we want to set higher standards and higher goals for ourselves, be it
personally or in our careers. Raise your hand if each year you always seem
to make a few New Year resolutions that only lasted until late January?
…OR, maybe you go through this process every day? You promise
yourself that you’ll improve your lifestyle almost every morning, but find
yourself caving into a sweet treat by noon!
If you feel like you can relate to either of these situations,
you’re not alone! Everyone hits those same plateaus where they have to overcome
obstacles. You might feel as if you'll never surpass some of those
challenges—but you can. Stick with it, stay consistent, and keep pushing forward.
Here are my top three tips to help you stay focused:
Set Long- & Short-Term Goals.
Think about the future and what you want to achieve. Maybe you
want to lose 50 pounds over the next 12 months. Write it down.
Hold yourself
responsible and accountable for reaching that goal. Putting it down on paper is
like creating a covenant you have to stick to. Put it up on a wall or the
fridge so it serves as a reminder each day.
While writing a long-term goal is a great start, achieving them
requires detailing a number of steps to help get you there. After all, losing
50 pounds doesn't just happen because you write it down.
Using that example,
create monthly goals, or even weekly goals. For instance, you can reasonably
lose 1-2 pounds per week in a healthy way. So? Write it down, too. This way, you
can create a monthly weight-loss goal of 4-8 pounds.
Make Your Goals Attainable.
The problem a lot of people have is setting unrealistic goals in
short amounts of time.
“I want to lose all my fat, build a bigger butt and have abs by
my birthday in March!” When you’re literally only two months away?
Unrealistic goals set you up for failure. How? Because when you
don’t see the results you want fast enough, you’ll get frustrated, and
ultimately derail from your long-term goal. Setting an aggressive long-term
goal can be counterproductive; you'll have a better chance of success of
actually reaching your target goal if you give yourself the time you need.
Results don’t come overnight, no matter how badly you want something. It takes
patience and persistence, and that has to be your approach.
Actually Follow Through With Specific Plans.
Lastly, you need to create an action plan for your short-term
goals. My online programs are designed to help you structure out your workouts
and my nutrition plans are realistic and affordable!
Having a plan structured and in place allows you to lose 1-2
pounds per week. The plan should fit your schedule and allow you to work out a
certain amount of days a week for a given period of time. Be specific about
your training plans, detailing how many days and how much time you can commit
Did my tips help you? Leave me a comment and let me know! Until
next time; talk to you soon!